Surfing Page
     I am totally jaded when it comes to surfing. It gives me a feeling of total freedom. I am in my own world in the ocean, it is my sacred space. I have been surfing since I was seven and will do so until I am physically unable. Although once an athlete, this was one sport I chose not to compete in, maybe because it would take all the fun out of it and then it would just be business. Yeah, OK, I'd surf even if I got paid for it!  
     I have surfed in California, Washington State, Hawaii, and whenever it's "up" in my home state, Florida.  Hawaii is truly sacred and vicious! The most intense feeling i've ever had was renting a like 12 foot original 60's redwood (not fiber glassed) board that weighed like 200 lb. and surfing long lines, perfect waves in Hawaii. The second most intense feeling was surfing solo in Merritt Island with no one around and the space shuttle went off right over me...kind of scary when you weren't expecting it!  
     Recommended surf spots in FL: Ponce Inlet, Sebastian Inlet, Cocoa Beach, Anastasia State Park (St.Augustine), the pier at Flagler Beach. Why all world class surfers some from Florida I do not know, the majority of the time the surf is flat! Help us, Leviathan, in search for bigger and more consistent surf! But I will take what I can get!! Hey, at least I live by the beach! Accomplishment #1 complete!
  Surfing at Ponce Inlet, FL. on my 6'6" custom Autrey board. This was a typical glassy 2 foot day.  
  Casey, my fiancé, surfing at Ponce Inlet, FL.  
  Me with my snow board at Snoqualmie Pass, WA. This is where I learned to ski in my younger days.  

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