My Animals
     As you will soon see, I am obviously a devout animal lover. I have always been. I respect all life in all forms. The following animals are ones that I have saved from untimely deaths and I have devoted my life to taking care of them. This makes me incredibly happy and satisfied with myself as a person. I have saved something worth saving! These were at one time the animals of the ignorant, who believe that life is disposable. People who are ignorant and who are inconvenienced by their animals are ones that should never have the luxury of possessing such lives! People should take the time to think before they act on their immediate wants, therefore their animals will not have to suffer the consequences of their owners idiotic actions! Here are their stories:
Pooh Bear - Pooh's name is his prior ownership was "Pooch", a stupid name for such a regal cat. However, I tried to keep their names pretty close to the original, especially if they were adult cats upon my adoption of them. Pooh is ahappy cat, therfore properly named. Pooh was adopted from an animal shelter (pound), saved from euthanasia. He is now 10 yrs.
Crime: His prior owner, a college student, sent him to his death because her new roommate was allergic to cats. Now there's an inconvienence for you!

I grew up in a university town, where our pound euthanasized at least 300 animals a week (as stated in our newspaper statistics), many of these animals conveniently disposed of by college students having no time or money to take care of them. Idiots who get animals because they need something to love in their estranged environment away from home. But when it's time to move on, or back home with mommy and daddy, the animal becomes an inconvenience, is sent to the pound and put to death. The owner feels it is OK to do this because "someone out there" will adopt him....well, yes, in Pooh's case. But he was only 7 of 300 that got adopted that week! Think about this before devoting yourself to another life! Animals are a full time commitment!

Suki - This is her original name. She is a ragdoll mixed with ???.
Crime: she was a breeder's mistake.

She was adopted from a country woman who made her living by breeding purebred cats. She had over 200 accidents though, and to these unwanted creatures she could only afford to feed horse bran as their diet. Suki lost all of her teeth by the time she was three due to this unnutritious diet. I adopted her due to her sweet nature. The cats who did not get adopted were euthanized.

Teil - I named this cat after a cool acquaintance of mine.
Crime: unresponsible owner.

Teil was found with about 50 other cats that were dumped at the end of my best friend's road. Teil was tame and accepting when approached. My best friend selected this cat and gave him to her boyfriend at the time. Needless to say, he did not take care of him and voila, he has been with me for 6 years now.

Roxanne -
Buster -
Bo -
.....more to come
    I FIRMLY AND ACTIVELY SUPPORT SPAYING & NEUTERING!!! This is one of the first things you should do when you adopt or buy an animal! This will prevent many deaths!  In the US alone over 10 MILLION animals are euthanized. Not to mention, the ones that starve to death or are hit by cars! Plus, fixing your animal may save it's life by preventing reproductive cancers which are a leading cause of death!
    It may seem that I am against euthanasia. This is not so. In fact, I'm sure our human suffering cancer victims wish they had this luxury! Death is not the answer to the overpopulation problem. If educated people fixed their animals this whole topic would be obsolete! I find it to be a travesty!
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

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